Tzim Tzum Ministries
If haShem as a Tzim Tzum Were to Allow His Body to Die,
Would the Tomb or Sheol be able to Hold Him?
All materials on our websites, may be downloaded
and freely copied and distributed if done so at no charge to the recipients.
Time Line 1 Above as PDF, The 6000 Years from Adam to Present
A Challenge to the Hillel Count/Calendar.
Talmudic Quotes
On Mashiach Ben Yoseph and Mashiach Ben David
The Joseph Template, PDF
Time Line 3, Yeshua and the 8th Course of Abiyah of the Temple
Time Line 15, The Lineage of Miriam from Adam, to King David, to Yeshua
Time Line 24, Yeshua, From 3970 from Adam to Year 4000 from Adam
Mashiach Ben Yoseph, Came on the 4th Day
We are Jewish Believers Who Live Jewish Lives and Believe in Jewish Culture.
We believe ONLY in Yeshua, the Jewish Messiah, of the Jewish People,
and Who gave, upheld, and taught the Torah - and gave New insights into Torah.
He is Our Messiah, He Rose from the Grave - Defeating Death itself. He is Eternal Life.
We Do NOT believe in any Torahless, Sabbath Breaking, Pork Eating, Pagan Celebrating, Catholic Counterfeit.
We believe ONLY in Yeshua, the Jewish Messiah, of the Jewish People,
and Who gave, upheld, and taught the Torah - and gave New insights into Torah.
He is Our Messiah, He Rose from the Grave - Defeating Death itself. He is Eternal Life.
We Do NOT believe in any Torahless, Sabbath Breaking, Pork Eating, Pagan Celebrating, Catholic Counterfeit.
President Trump, and the United States and Israel in Prophecy
Prophetic Dreams and Visions About Soon to Take Place Events
Brit Chadasha Prophecy Quotes from the Tenach
On the Holy Days of Adonai and Messianic Prophecy
Mystery of the Tablets, What was Really Written on the Tablets of Stone?
The Scroll to the Galatians and the Temple
The Scroll to the Hebrews and the Melchizadok Order
The Hebrew Concept of Ascending, The 7 Planes of Ascension
The 12 Pillars of Holy Living, Foundations of the Patriarchs
The Joseph Template
The Scriptures are full of templates, that once recognized, can be used to identify innumerable patterns of behavior, patterns of prophecy, and patterns of personalities, kingdoms, and ultimately of Mashiach Himself.
The story of Joseph provides one such pattern - a perfect pattern in fact, of what Mashiach ben Yoseph would look like?
For example:
-Was Yoseph despised and rejected by His brothers? Are there any prophecies about a future Jew who would likewise be rejected by His fellow Jews? Has Tzim Tzum Yeshua been despised and rejected by His brothers?
-When Yoseph suffered, was it because of his own sins, or because of the sins of His brothers? Are there any prophecies concerning a future Jew who would suffer because of other people's sins? Did Tzim Tzum Yeshua suffer because of other people's sins?
- Was Yoseph first recognized as favored by Adonai by foreigners, or by his brothers? Has Tzim Tzum Yeshua been recognized by foreigners? Have we Jews as a whole recognized Him yet?
- When Yoseph's brothers looked at him, did they recognized Yoseph? Or did Yoseph look like a pagan to them? When Jews look at Tzim Tzum Yeshua today, do we recognize Him as a Jew, or does He look like a pagan to us?
- Did Yoseph dress himself up as a pagan, and name himself by the pagan Egyptian name of "Zaphnath Paaneah", or was it the Egyptians who dressed him up like a pagan and gave him a pagan name? What about Tzim Tzum Yeshua, did He dress Himself up as a pagan and give Himself the pagan name "Jesus", or did the Greeks do this?
- Did Yoseph willfully seek to be married into a priestly cast of sun worshipers? Or did the Egyptians force him into this by arranged marriage? What about Yeshua? Did Tzim Tzum Yeshua willfully seek to be spiritually married into a priestly cast of Catholic sun worshipers, or was He forced into this arrangement?
- Did haShem disapprove of Yoseph being "re-framed" as a member of the Egyptian cast of priestly sun worshipers? Or did haShem allow this to happen so that the Egyptians would receive him as one of their own, so that Yoseph could be placed into a position among the gentiles where he could save the gentiles, and then ultimately, his brothers? What about Tzim Tzum Yeshua? Has He not been "re-framed" by the goyim so that the goyim would accept Him, and then be used by Adonai in that position to save the goyim, and then ultimately, Israel?
- Once Yoseph revealed himself to his brothers, did his brothers and Ya'aqov then go to Egypt to live among the Egyptians and assimilate with the Egyptians, or did they go to their own place in Egypt where they could continue to live as Hebrews in the land of Goshen? And so when one of us Jews becomes a believer in Yeshua today, are we to go become gentiles and join a church and live like Catholics? Or are we to remain in our separate communities where we can continue to live our lives according to the Torah and our Jewish culture?
Yeshua did not invent Christianity any more than Yoseph invented Egyptian sun worship. In the beginning, all gentile believers became converts to Nazarene Judaism. But then after the Temple was destroyed, the persecution against all Jews became so great, that the gentile believers began to separate themselves from us.
In the following decades, through heavy taxation upon the Jews, and other forms of persecution and discrimination, gentile believers became almost entirely disassociated with any aspects of the original faith that looked even remotely Jewish, for fear that it would cause them to be treated the same.
The gentile believers then began removing the tzit tzit, the kippahs, and disguised their Pesach celebrations behind easter symbols, etc... Eventually, they forsook the dietary laws, and all the Moedim, and replaced them with "Christianized" pagan holy day celebrations, and thus was born "Christianity", an entirely Greek invention at first.
Eventually, they became persecuted themselves, despite their distancing from us Jews - that is, until the time of Constantine, who found Christians, like "Yoseph" to be good, honest, hard workers, sexually pure, and to be an overall good influence on society. Thus, the official adaptation of Constantine of this "Greek" religion called Christianity, which then formed the basis of the Roman Catholic religion beginning with Constantine.
But Yeshua, like Yoseph, never changed. It was only how the Greeks and Egyptians, respectively presented them to others, that was "re-framed". But Tzim Tzum Yeshua, is still the Torah giver, and the same yesterday, today, and forever, as even Yoseph remained faithful to haShem all his days.
Brothers and Sisters, my fellow Jews, we need to take back our Messiah, recognize Him who we have pierced, but who as haShem, will graciously forgive us, for - was it we who recognized Yoseph, or Yoseph who revealed himself to us?
You see? It was meant for Yoseph to be hidden from his brothers for a time. So it was not held against them for not initially recognizing him. Even so, it has been meant for Yeshua to be hidden from us for a time as well. But now the time of His return is near, when He will return time as Tzim Tzum "Mashiach ben David", and so He is now revealing Himself to us today to prepare us for that return.
HaShem has in times past winked at our ignorance, but now commands men everywhere to repent. Believe in Him today! He is our Messiah - and He has always been our Messiah. Take Him back O'Israel, and receive your King, who prior came lowly, and riding on a donkey, but who is now soon to come - as our conquering King!
The story of Joseph provides one such pattern - a perfect pattern in fact, of what Mashiach ben Yoseph would look like?
For example:
-Was Yoseph despised and rejected by His brothers? Are there any prophecies about a future Jew who would likewise be rejected by His fellow Jews? Has Tzim Tzum Yeshua been despised and rejected by His brothers?
-When Yoseph suffered, was it because of his own sins, or because of the sins of His brothers? Are there any prophecies concerning a future Jew who would suffer because of other people's sins? Did Tzim Tzum Yeshua suffer because of other people's sins?
- Was Yoseph first recognized as favored by Adonai by foreigners, or by his brothers? Has Tzim Tzum Yeshua been recognized by foreigners? Have we Jews as a whole recognized Him yet?
- When Yoseph's brothers looked at him, did they recognized Yoseph? Or did Yoseph look like a pagan to them? When Jews look at Tzim Tzum Yeshua today, do we recognize Him as a Jew, or does He look like a pagan to us?
- Did Yoseph dress himself up as a pagan, and name himself by the pagan Egyptian name of "Zaphnath Paaneah", or was it the Egyptians who dressed him up like a pagan and gave him a pagan name? What about Tzim Tzum Yeshua, did He dress Himself up as a pagan and give Himself the pagan name "Jesus", or did the Greeks do this?
- Did Yoseph willfully seek to be married into a priestly cast of sun worshipers? Or did the Egyptians force him into this by arranged marriage? What about Yeshua? Did Tzim Tzum Yeshua willfully seek to be spiritually married into a priestly cast of Catholic sun worshipers, or was He forced into this arrangement?
- Did haShem disapprove of Yoseph being "re-framed" as a member of the Egyptian cast of priestly sun worshipers? Or did haShem allow this to happen so that the Egyptians would receive him as one of their own, so that Yoseph could be placed into a position among the gentiles where he could save the gentiles, and then ultimately, his brothers? What about Tzim Tzum Yeshua? Has He not been "re-framed" by the goyim so that the goyim would accept Him, and then be used by Adonai in that position to save the goyim, and then ultimately, Israel?
- Once Yoseph revealed himself to his brothers, did his brothers and Ya'aqov then go to Egypt to live among the Egyptians and assimilate with the Egyptians, or did they go to their own place in Egypt where they could continue to live as Hebrews in the land of Goshen? And so when one of us Jews becomes a believer in Yeshua today, are we to go become gentiles and join a church and live like Catholics? Or are we to remain in our separate communities where we can continue to live our lives according to the Torah and our Jewish culture?
Yeshua did not invent Christianity any more than Yoseph invented Egyptian sun worship. In the beginning, all gentile believers became converts to Nazarene Judaism. But then after the Temple was destroyed, the persecution against all Jews became so great, that the gentile believers began to separate themselves from us.
In the following decades, through heavy taxation upon the Jews, and other forms of persecution and discrimination, gentile believers became almost entirely disassociated with any aspects of the original faith that looked even remotely Jewish, for fear that it would cause them to be treated the same.
The gentile believers then began removing the tzit tzit, the kippahs, and disguised their Pesach celebrations behind easter symbols, etc... Eventually, they forsook the dietary laws, and all the Moedim, and replaced them with "Christianized" pagan holy day celebrations, and thus was born "Christianity", an entirely Greek invention at first.
Eventually, they became persecuted themselves, despite their distancing from us Jews - that is, until the time of Constantine, who found Christians, like "Yoseph" to be good, honest, hard workers, sexually pure, and to be an overall good influence on society. Thus, the official adaptation of Constantine of this "Greek" religion called Christianity, which then formed the basis of the Roman Catholic religion beginning with Constantine.
But Yeshua, like Yoseph, never changed. It was only how the Greeks and Egyptians, respectively presented them to others, that was "re-framed". But Tzim Tzum Yeshua, is still the Torah giver, and the same yesterday, today, and forever, as even Yoseph remained faithful to haShem all his days.
Brothers and Sisters, my fellow Jews, we need to take back our Messiah, recognize Him who we have pierced, but who as haShem, will graciously forgive us, for - was it we who recognized Yoseph, or Yoseph who revealed himself to us?
You see? It was meant for Yoseph to be hidden from his brothers for a time. So it was not held against them for not initially recognizing him. Even so, it has been meant for Yeshua to be hidden from us for a time as well. But now the time of His return is near, when He will return time as Tzim Tzum "Mashiach ben David", and so He is now revealing Himself to us today to prepare us for that return.
HaShem has in times past winked at our ignorance, but now commands men everywhere to repent. Believe in Him today! He is our Messiah - and He has always been our Messiah. Take Him back O'Israel, and receive your King, who prior came lowly, and riding on a donkey, but who is now soon to come - as our conquering King!
Challenging Questions to Consider
For Christians who may have stumbled onto this Jewish site, a Tzim Tzum is the Hasidic Concept that Recognizes that haShem at Various Times in Scripture has "Reduced Himself". The 1st time, in order to create the universe, and at other times, when revealing Himself as "El Shaddai", when revealing Himself to Avraham with the 3, as the one who spoke to Moshe "face to face", and to Yehoshua (Joshua) as the "Angel" of Heavens Armies, and other times. But now those of us Jews who have come to recognize Yeshua, recognize that Yeshua, as b'nay Elohim (the Son of God), and "panay Elohim" and "Metatron" is also a "Tzim Tzum" of haShem. A way to explain it for non-Jewish believers, just think of identical twins, but in this case, twins who both, though having separate wills in these separate bodies, share the same identical mind that always operates in perfect harmony with the other. The one in haShamayim (in Heaven) that we cannot see or approach without instantly dying in His presence, and the other on earth "veiled" in human form, and "hidden" in a body of flesh that we can approach without dying, and that can actually imbue us with life if welcomed and received by a Torah obedient soul.